Asus RT Router VPN Configuration

This guide discusses how to configure your Asus RT Router to connect to a VPN server using a .OVPN file with detailed discussions.

Downloading UTunnel OpenVPN configuration file

Please note that to download the OVPN file you have to enable manual OpenVPN Connections within the server settings.

1. Log in to your UTunnel account (Personal/Organization) and navigate to the Server tab.

Asus RT router VPN configuration UTunnel dashboard

2. Click on the server name to navigate to its settings page.

Asus RT router VPN configuration servers page

3. From the Server Overview page navigate to the Router Configuration tab.

Asus RT router VPN configuration server overview

4. Click on the ADD ROUTER button to generate the router config file.

Asus RT router VPN configuration router configuration page

5. Give an easily recognizable name (Eg. Router Name) for the config file and click on the SUBMIT button.

Asus RT router VPN configuration name your router

6. Click on the download icon to download the router config (.OVPN) file to your device.

Asus RT router VPN configuration download router config file

Configuring the Asus RT Router to Connect to VPN

7. Type your ASUS router’s default IP address or in your browser’s address bar to access the router control panel. If you have changed the IP address, enter that to continue. Sign in with your ASUS router account. You will land on the router’s default settings. Find Advanced Settings from the left side menu and select VPN.

configure vpn on asus rt router advanced settings

8. Select the VPN Client tab. Click on Add profile button.

configure vpn on asus rt router vpn client tab

9. A new window will pop up. Select the OpenVPN tab and enter a preferred name in the Description field. Here we have named it as UTunnel. Leave Username and Password fields blank. Upload the .ovpn file downloaded from the UTunnel dashboard. Once the upload is complete, you will get a notification. Click OK to complete the setup.

configure vpn on asus rt router openvpn tab

10. The pop-up window disappears. Click on the Activate button below Connection in the VPN Server List.

configure vpn on asus rt router activate vpn

11. Once connected, the Connection Status column gets updated with a blue tick and the Activate button turns to Deactivate.

configure vpn on asus rt router vpn connection status

12. Now you are all set to connect your devices to the ASUS RT router and all the connections will be routed via the UTunnel VPN server.

Disconnecting the Asus RT Router from the VPN

13. To disconnect the VPN, click on the Deactivate button. 

configure vpn on asus rt router disconnect vpn

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