Setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG Firewall

To create a site-to-site tunnel between UTunnel VPN server and Sophos firewall, you will need to meet the following prerequisites.

  1. Admin access to your organisation's UTunnel account. Site-to-site VPN feature is available only on the business accounts currently.
  2. Admin access to your Sophos Firewall
  3. Preshared Key (PSK) to setup the tunnel. This is needed only if the Sophos side configuration is completed before configuring UTunnel side. If you are configuring the UTunnel side first, there's an option to generate the PSK automatically.

Once the prerequisites are ready, login to your UTunnel dashboard and click on ‘Site-to-Site‘ option from top center.

setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG firewall site-to-site tab


setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG firewall create tunnel

Select the option ‘TUNNEL BETWEEN REMOTE ENDPOINTS’ and key in the configuration parameters are described below.

Tunnel Name: A name for this tunnel.
Local Server: Select the UTunnel server (if you have multiple UTunnel servers) from the dropdown for which you want to create the VPN tunnel.
Remote IP:  Sophos's Public IP address.
PSK: UTunnel uses Preshared key for tunnel authentication. You can use the Generate PSK option or key in your desired key.

Once all details are filled in click on CREATE TUNNEL.

Next, you need to define the local and remote subnets that will be routed through the tunnel.

setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG firewall define subnets

SUBNETS BEHIND LOCAL: Here, you define the networks that are behind UTunnel server.

If you want to route the traffic from the roaming user's devices to the remote subnet through the tunnel, you will need to explicitly define the roaming user's subnets in LOCAL. The default subnets are given below. In case you use custom subnets for roaming VPN users, update it accordingly.


SUBNETS BEHIND REMOTE: Here you define the networks behind Sophos firewall.

Now, you can click on the START button and start with configuring tunnel on Sophos Firewall.

Login to your Sophos firewall with an admin user. Firstly, we need to create a custom IPsec Policy to use with UTunnel tunnel.
For that, click on VPN option on the left side panel and go to IPsec policies on the top right.
setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG firewall IPsec policies

Name the policy as UTN_IKEv2 and select IKEv2 as Key exchange. Set the other configuration parameters as below.
setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG firewall add policy

DH group (key group): 14 [DH2048]
Encryption: AES256
Authentication: SHA2 256
PFS group [DH group]: 14[DH2048]
Keylife: 3600
Encryption: AES256
Authentication: SHA2 256

setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG firewall policy parameters

Click Save.
Now, we have to create the tunnel. Click on VPN option on the left side panel. Navigate to IPsec connections and click on Add button.

setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG firewall IPsec connections

Name: Give a name for the tunnel.
Connection type: Site-to-Site
Gateway type: Initiate the connection
Encryption: IKEv2
Authentication type: Preshared key
And key in the Preshared key that was generated while creating tunnel in UTunnel (you need to use the same PSK on both ends)

setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG firewall new connection

Configure Local and Remote gateway settings as explained below.

setup site-to-site tunnel with Sophos XG firewall gateway settings

Local gateway settings
Listening interface: Select the appropriate port from the dropdown.
Local ID type: Select IP address
Local ID: Sophos's public IP address configured with the above-selected interface
Local Subnet: Subnets behind the Sophos Firewall

Remote gateway settings
Gateway address: UTunnel server IP Address.
Remote ID type: Select IP address.
Remote ID: UTunnel server IP Address.
Remote subnet: The subnets behind UTunnel server.
Make sure the ‘Create firewall rule’ option is selected, this will create all necessary firewall rules automatically.

Click on Save. The tunnel should be up and running now. If not, restart the tunnel on both sides. We recommend restarting at UTunnel side first always.

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